Private Limited Company
Incorporation of Pte Ltd @ S$1,000
Includes costs to ACRA (S$300 incorporation fee & S$15 biz name registration)
Includes common seal (S$60), share certificates, minutes book and statutory registers
Strike-off Company @ S$1,000
*XBRL Filing from S$350 (Partial) & S$500 (Full)
Other Ad-hoc depends on frquency @ S$80 per filing with ACRA:
Changes to registered address
Changes to company name
Changes in directors and directors’ particulars
Filing for share transfers, restructuring, reduction etc
* (1) Corporate shareholder or (2) Negative equity position
Other Business Vehicles
Sole-Proprietor @ S$250
Partnership @ S$300
Limited Liability Partnership @ S$600
Limited Liability Partnership annual declaration @ S$400